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  • Writer's pictureRyan Ramcharan

Assignment 3: Bouncing Ball

For this assignment I added a ySpeed and made it different from the xSpeed, I added r,g,and b as it's own variables and I randomly just chose numbers to pick colors. My code is down below with the link to my creation.

var xPos;

var yPos;

var xSpeed;

var ySpeed;

//var ballSize;

//Here are the colors red, green,and blue

var r;

var g;

var b;

function setup() {

createCanvas(400, 400);

//setting my intial position

xPos = 10;

yPos = 400;

xSpeed = 3;

ySpeed = 5;

r = 0

g = 0

b = 0


function draw() {

background(0, 20);

if(xPos > 400){

xSpeed = -xSpeed ;

r = random(0, 300);

g = random(0, 255);

b = random(0, 500);


else if (xPos < 0){

xSpeed = -xSpeed ;

r = random(0, 300);

g = random(0, 255);

b = random(0, 500);


if(yPos > 400){

ySpeed = -ySpeed ;

r = random(0, 300);

g = random(0, 255);

b = random(0, 500);


else if (yPos < 0){

ySpeed = -ySpeed ;

r = random(0, 300);

g = random(0, 255);

b = random(0, 500);


//move the ball horizontally

xPos = xPos + xSpeed;

//move the ball vertically

yPos = yPos + ySpeed;

//Drawing my ball

fill( r, g, b);

ellipse(xPos, yPos, 50, 50);


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