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  • Writer's pictureRyan Ramcharan

Assignment #5:Algorithmic Bias Reading Response

  1. Where do we see examples of algorithmic bias around us? A simple quiz, and putting certain answers can affect the computer and the answers it would give you in the end. Also in ads, they tell you certain things that you were recently looking for. Husband and Wife apply to same credit cards gets a widely different credit limit. Other examples are employment, Insurance , Loans, education , etc.

  2. Had you heard of any of these examples?​ The ads, they come up all the time in order to try and make your search helpful and as useful as possible. For employment a man makes more money than a woman does if they get hired, work the same time etc. It is proven that the man would make more money than woman.

  3. Does this change our perception of computers (infallibility, certainty etc)?​ It changes my perception a little bit in how we should answer questions that will be computer generated. A simple question such as "What is your gender" can affect the whole quiz and the answer what the computer would give you .

  4. How can we use awareness of this issue to make better choices, decisions, or share?​ Don't believe everything the computer can tell you. If you see something strange don't be afraid to speak to whoever you are filling out an application or quiz for. Be honest in what you are answering in, and sometimes you may just gotta except the truth in what is being told to you. I don't think we should blame ourselves, sometimes it is the computer, software or program fault which mean that we shouldn’t take it so hard personally .

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